KUT-TiS-Kanalbau-64Drain construction

Is it not possible to repair an underground drain because of the extent of damage? In this case, the company Jens W. Kipp Tiefbau GmbH supplements the repair service range of the company Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH .

In case of minor damage, it is often possible to repair the drain; if the damage is more extensive the only option is to replace the drain by digging it out or using bulwarks – our civil engineering experts ensure fast repairs or replacement of severely damaged lines including the subsequent restoration of the surface.

The company Kipp is able to provide all necessary services itself, securely and reliably.

Drain construction

Drain construction


Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH
Senner Straße 156
D-33659 Bielefeld

fon: +49 521 403171
fax: +49 521 402482


Jens W. Kipp Tiefbau GmbH
Senner Straße 156
D-33659 Bielefeld

fon: +49 521 401467
fax +49 0521 402482

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